This support article will give you key information about paying your bill.
How to check your bill amount and the due date.
Please check your most recent bill to find out what your total amount due is.
You’ll have at least 3 business days from the date we issue your bill before you need to pay.
We charge $15 for a late payment.
How to pay your bill.
Direct Debit
Direct debit payments will come from your nominated credit card on the due date of your bill. For further details, please see the Direct Debit Service Agreement.
If you want to change to another credit card, you’ll need to update your direct debit details by calling us on 1300 010 400 (8am - 8pm, 7 days a week) at least 48 hours before your bill’s due date.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Diners Club credit cards for direct debit. You can also contact your financial institution at least 5 business days before your next due date. If you cancel your direct debit payment through your financial institution without letting us know or providing us with alternative means of payment, additional charges may apply.
Additional Direct Debit Information.
What happens if my direct debit payment is unsuccessful?
If a direct debit is unsuccessful, we will notify you via email. Depending on the reason, your direct debit will be automatically cancelled after one or more unsuccessful payments.
Your direct debit will be automatically cancelled after one unsuccessful payment:
- If the payment details you’ve given us are incorrect.
- If the credit card you’ve given us has expired.
- If the transaction is fraudulent.
If the payment was unsuccessful you’ll be notified via email and where possible, we will reattempt the payment within 2 business days. If the second payment attempt fails, your direct debit will be cancelled and you will be notified via email.
What should I do if my direct debit is cancelled?
If your direct debit is cancelled due to an unsuccessful payment, you’ll need to contact our Customer Care team on 1300 010 400 (8am - 8pm, 7 days a week) to organise to make payment via credit card.